Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A garage sale on a Tuesday!

I'm participating in Thrifty Thursday this week at http://lbratina.blogspot.com/

How unusual to find a garage sale on a Tuesday. However, as I was taking my sweet hubby to work this morning I passed a yard sale sign that said All week. So after dropping him off I dropped by.

Here's what I ended up with

Bird Dome - $1
Baskets - $1 each ($2)
Movies - .25 each
Extension Cord thingie - .25
Cowboy hat that DS is modeling - $2
Two Skirts - one was $2 and one was $1


Beth said...

What a nice surprise to find a garage sale on a Tuesday. You got some nice things! Like the skirts :)

annies home said...

love that hat you sure did find great items

Susie Q said...

And I love those skirts!

Christina said...

Great finds! Love the bird/glass thing. ; )

I'm sure your son loves the cowboy hat---great deal there.

Anonymous said...

I like the bird dome. Good for you.

Kammy said...

Great finds, love the birdie candle holder the best !
Hugs ~ Kammy

★Carol★ said...

I like the baskets, but I really like the bird candle holder! Great finds!

Amy Lynne said...

I love the baskets and the bird dome and the skirts. The little man in the hat looks like he'd fit in with my boys! So cute! Way to go for a Tuesday!

Bonnie said...

Love the candleholder and the baskets.
And DS is a cutie patootie in that hat!

The Tattered Cottage said...

Cute skirts, love the bird dome. And what a cute model :)

Anonymous said...

love the bird dome

Nicole A. said...

Great finds! Love the baskets and the little birdie candle holder!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

love the dome.
your model is gorgeous.
i bet he gets lots of fan mail.....

Quiltpiecer said...

Love the bird dome! And especially that cute little cowboy with the hat! Thanks for sharing ... P.S. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I do hope you'll come back and visit again soon.